
we present a special report ranking twelve of the most-watched U.S. endowments: the Ivys and Alt-Ivys, with the latest data on investment returns and leadership compensation through FY 2013.
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Peter H. Ammon: Another Yale vet lands another top job:

Surfing the sustainable investing L-curve: A noble way to lose money:

Even if you’re the very model of a modern money manager, kitted out with a Sustainable Investing Officer, and all; what would a bold plunge into a green investing model have done for your returns in recent years?

Disinvesting in logic:

The titanic war over anthropogenic global warming seems to have spilled over into our own peaceful little shire.

Certain anti-AGW campaigners have noticed that a diversified stock portfolio allocates 10 percent or more to the energy sector, and they are shocked.  This spring they showed up on campuses demanding that endowments dump their fossil-fuel-tainted assets forthwith.

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Punching above their weight: The Skorina Top 20 Midsize Endowments:

The NACUBO and Commonfund people do great work putting out annual statistics on endowments in their NCSE studies.  But they only report investment returns for statistical aggregates and those don’t tell the whole story.

Our analysis of mid-sized endowments reveals that, although it’s good to be big, it’s not decisive for investment performance.  In fact, some of these mid-sized overachievers, produced industry-leading returns.

Most of the high-performers on both lists have a full-time, in-house investment professional. A chief investment officer or director of investments (DOI) is specifically tasked to endowment matters at 15 out of 20 on the 5-year list, and at 18 out of 20 on the 3-year list.  We think this is a key factor in generating consistently good investment performance over time.

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Skorina will be in Boston June 4 through 6, presenting at Institutional Investor’s Endowments and Foundations Roundtable


How chief investment officer pay is structured


Pay and performance data for Harvard, other top US endowments, and the seven largest Canadian investment fund

We looked at pay and performance at top private endowments back in December (https://www.charlesskorina.com/775/), with special attention to Harvard.  This month, we will revisit that topic in light of this new data and we will see how HMC stacks up against other US endowments and big Canadian public funds.

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In this issue:

Going Public: Endowment Performance and Chief Investment Officers at our Great State Universities

Skorina is seeking: a Director of Public Market Investments and a Director of Asset Allocation & Risk Management for the University System of Maryland Foundation investment office

This month: Performance, pay, and the rest of the story:

This month we analyze recent investment performance and compensation at top public university endowments; we also comment on the controversial severance package Treasury Secretary Jack Lew got from NYU; and we note the upgrading of the investment office at University of Illinois.

There are some common themes here.  Chief investment officers and other senior executives contribute to their organizations in many ways.  They can save millions of dollars on fee reductions and administrative restructuring, help to close key donors, and build consensus around spending plans and investment policies.

Some of their performance is measurable, even by outsiders.  Some is not.  The boards and executives who run the organizations operate with information, constraints, and goals which may be invisible to outsiders.  And these subjective measures are not always obvious when setting bonuses and incentives.

We track the performance and follow the careers of most of the top investment officers in this country because we want to develop objective criteria for evaluating them.  Then we can present the best among them to the boards who hire us.

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